Shenzhen Ritian Auto Transport Car Paint Protection Film provides a strong durable temporary layer of protection to your exterior finish. Use during transport (open/enclosed ), assembly, or performing custom fabrication, painting, etc. Easily removable, leaves no residue. UV inhibitor protects for up to 6 months. Adheres over bends and curved surfaces. Protects your vehicle from getting scratched during transport, sandblasting, and rock chipping (Invisible road debris, low hanging branches, sand and dust storms, rock salts, loose gravel, bushes etc) Protects your vehicle from harmful chemicals, and smashed bugs during transport.
• Surfaces should be dry and free from dirt, oil and other contaminates when film is applied.
• Product Surfaces should be dry and free from dirt, oil and other contaminates when film is applied.
• Protective film should be removed gradually beginning from one edge with a smooth even motion.
BENEFITS of applying RITIAN Automotive Protective Film:
1 - Protect your vehicle from sandblasting during transport.
(dust storms, rock salts, etc.)
2 - Protect your vehicle from rock chipping during transport.
(loose gravel, invisible road debris, etc.)
3 - Protect your vehicle from harmful chemicals during transport.
(low hanging branches, bushes, etc.)
4 - Protect your vehicle from getting scratched during transport.
(dripping oil or fluids from the car above, road splash, etc.)
5 - Protect your vehicle from squashed bugs during transport.
(gnats, grasshoppers, bees, etc.)
Why Us:
Contact: Sales Manager
Phone: +8615112649463
Tel: +8675584080323
Add: No.65 Songnian Road, Liulian Hekeng Village, Pingdi town, Longgang District, Shenzhen,China